Dr. Ravikumar Brahmbhatt performed the first robotic surgery in Hudson County.

Pilonidal Cyst/Hemorrhoids Specialist

Ravikumar Brahmbhatt, MD, FACS -  - General Surgery and Advanced Robotic Surgery

Ravikumar Brahmbhatt, MD, FACS

General Surgery and Advanced Robotic Surgery & General Surgery located in Edison, NJ & Jersey City, NJ

If you have an abnormal growth on your backside that’s making it difficult to sit, you might have a pilonidal cyst. Ravikumar Brahmbhatt, MD, FACS at RR Surgical Associates, with offices in Edison and Jersey City, New Jersey, is a general surgeon who can remove your pilonidal cyst and relieve your discomfort with your Hemorrhoids. Call the office or schedule an appointment using the online booking button today.

Pilonidal Cyst/Hemorrhoids Q & A

What is a pilonidal cyst?

A pilonidal cyst is pocket of skin that develops when hair punctures and gets embedded in the skin. They usually occur on the tailbone of your backside. It can look like a pit or pore in the skin with a darkened spot.

Pilonidal cysts are more common in men, but you’ll be at greater risk of developing a cyst if you sit for long periods of time.

Doctors theorize that the cyst develops when a loose hair gets caught on your skin and becomes embedded. Your body then treats the hair like a foreign object and forms a cyst.

What are the symptoms of a pilonidal cyst?

Your pilonidal cyst might not cause symptoms unless an abscess has formed, which is when the area around the cyst becomes inflamed and swollen.

Symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Redness and swelling around the cyst
  • Drainage at the cyst that could be foul-smelling

If you’ve discovered a pilonidal cyst, you should have it examined for treatment.

How are pilonidal cyst treated?

If your pilonidal cyst has turned into an abscess, surgery is your only option. Antibiotics aren’t an effective treatment for this type of an infection.

Initially, Dr. Brahmbhatt will treat your pilonidal cyst by draining it. During the procedure, he first numbs the area, then makes an incision and drains the puss. Dr. Brahmbhatt performs this procedure in the office.

After the procedure, Dr. Brahmbhatt will provide specific instructions on how to care for your incision to prevent infection. Unfortunately, drainage of your pilonidal cyst might not prevent a recurrence.

What can I expect during a pilonidal cystectomy?

If your pilonidal cyst recurs after drainage, Dr. Brahmbhatt will probably recommend a pilonidal cystectomy, which is the removal of your cyst.

Before he begins, Dr. Brahmbhatt administers anesthesia, then removes the cyst and the surrounding tissue and packs the wound with gauze. Sometimes a tube is placed at the site of the incision to help drain away fluid. The tube is later removed.

Dr. Brahmbhatt will provide instructions on how to care for your wound at home and when to come back to the office for follow-up.

For removal of your pilonidal cyst, call RR Surgical Associates or schedule an appointment online today.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins, similar to varicose veins, that develop in your anus or rectum. They’re very common, and while some people develop hemorrhoids for unknown reasons, they most often result from bowel-movement strain related to constipation. Pregnant women are also at risk of developing hemorrhoids due to the added pressure on the veins from the weight of the pregnancy.

What are common symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids don’t always cause symptoms, so you might not even be aware that you have them. Common symptoms include:

  • Appearance of bright red blood after a bowel movement
  • Anal burning or itching
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Development of a painful lump near your anus

The severity of the symptoms vary, but some people find the discomfort difficult to live with.

After reviewing your symptoms, Dr. Brahmbhatt performs an examination that can include a digital exam or visual inspection, to determine if hemorrhoids are in fact responsible for your discomfort.

Do I need surgery for hemorrhoids?

Surgery isn’t always necessary for hemorrhoids. Dr. Brahmbhatt will review all of your treatment options to relieve your pain, which can include:

  • Over-the-counter hemorrhoid medication
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Regular warm baths or sitz baths
  • Changes in your diet to improve bowel function

If your hemorrhoids are bleeding regularly or causing pain, Dr. Brahmbhatt can surgically remove the swollen vein.

What is a hemorrhoidectomy?

A hemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of a hemorrhoid. During the procedure, Dr. Brahmbhatt removes the hemorrhoid and excessive tissue that could be contributing to your pain or bleeding. A hemorrhoidectomy is the most effective treatment for severe and recurring cases of hemorrhoids.

Could it be something else?

While hemorrhoids are the most common cause of rectal pain and discomfort, it could be something else, such as an anal fistula, anal fissure, or abscess of the perirectal or gluteal area. Dr. Brahmbhatt can determine the cause of your pain during your evaluation and, if necessary, can perform the appropriate procedure.

Dr. Brahmbhatt can also evaluate for causes of groin pain, other reasons you might be having blood in your stool, and causes of abnormal rectal discharge.

For expert surgical care from the team that provides community service with excellence, call RR Surgical Associates or book an appointment online today.

